Advantages & Benefits Hot Isostatic pressing

Hot Isostatic pressing

Interested in combining heat treatment with HIP all in one facility?

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proven benefits

HIP allows developers and engineers to optimize component design and manufacture, whilst simultaneously improving microstructural homogeneity and material properties.

  • Superior material properties
  • Reduced property scatter
  • Improved machined & polished surface
  • Low weight design
  • No internal defects
  • Lower production cost

improved properties

HIP gives improved mechanical properties, a general reduction in scatter  of these properties, as well as the possibility to polish also cast, welded or powder metal parts, to the highest surface finish offering more predictive properties.

steering the HIP cycle

The controllability of the HIP system is versatile. Set-up specific heating, densification and cooling regimes to ensure repeatable performance. Our HIP units are equipped with proprietary Uniform Rapid Cooling (URC) feature. Via URC it is possible to combine material densification and heat treatment in one single process because desired cooling rates can be set. URC  enables all processed components to cool uniformly in a controlled environment, resulting in minimal thermal distortion and non-uniform grain growth. This allows the design of desired microstructures whilst ensuring densification of products. Heat treatment (stress relief, solution annealing) and HIP can be done in one tailored HIP process step when needed.

clean HIP operations

High purity Argon as process gas together with special equipment programming and hardware allows to achieve clean processing results reducing discoloration.

efficient production

HIP not only improves products through densification, but also leads to reduced quality costs. High speed production of components (e.g. fast printing in AM) in combination with defect removal and high-pressure heat-treatment using HIP, can reduce energy significantly whilst reducing overall cost.

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