Hot Isostatic Pressing
Part of Aalberts

Aalberts Surface Technologies is part of global industrial specialist Aalberts N.V. More than 14.000 people work for Aalberts in more than 50 countries.

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enhancing material integrity: the impact of Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP)

Hot Isostatic pressing (HIP) involves the simultaneous application of a high-pressure inert gas and an elevated temperature in a specially constructed vessel with a furnace in it. The pressure applied is isostatic because it is developed with an inert gas. Under these conditions of heat and pressure, internal pores or defects collapse and weld up. HIP can be applied to castings and additively manufactured parts, to consolidate powder metallurgy materials into fully dense components and to bond dissimilar materials together.

By removing porosity, HIP gives superior mechanical properties and a reduction in the scatter band of properties of mission critical parts such as turbine blades, medical implants and rocket engines

location Eindhoven and Greenville

The HIP process is carried out in our company in The Netherlands in Eindhoven and also in the United States of Amerika in Greenville (SC).

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address information

Aalberts Surface Technologies Eindhoven B.V
Achtseweg Noord 3 / 5651 GG Eindhoven / The Netherlands

T +31 (0)40 266 3000
M info.eindhoven-heat@aalberts-st.com

Technical support, Central Europa & Asia:
Mr. Dr. Benjamin Ruttert

T +31 (0)40 266 3000
M benjamin.ruttert@aalberts-st.com

Aalberts Surface Technologies HIP ¦ Braze ¦ Heat treatment
299B Garlington road / 29615 Greenville SC / USA

T +001 (0) 864 605 7926
M Contact – Accurate Brazing (aalberts-ab.us)

Technical support, United States of America:
Mr. Greg Lane

T +001 (0) 440 829 8260
M greg.lane@aalberts-st.us

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